Contact William

New client contact information

Contact Form


Contact me via WhatsApp

For your safety and to ensure that our work together is effective and appropriate, we cannot work together if any of the following apply:

  • You are located in the United States of America or Canada during sessions.
  • You are under the age of 18.
  • You are under the care of a psychologist, psychiatrist, or another mental health professional without having disclosed and discussed this with me in advance.
  • You are experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency requiring immediate intervention. In such situations, call your emergency services (999 or 112) or consult for crisis hotlines.
  • You are currently actively suicidal or engaging in self-harm. Please call emergency services or go to your nearest A&E immediately. You may also find support through
  • You are experiencing severe psychotic symptoms or are actively manic.
  • You have a history of violence or are currently threatening harm to yourself or others.
  • You are under the influence of drugs or alcohol during sessions.
  • You refuse to, or cannot, provide the details of your current GP and an emergency contact.
  • You do not agree to my use of your personal data as outlined in the privacy policy.

Existing client contact information

For administrative things, such as needing to change or cancel a session, please email me.

For anything related to our therapeutic work together, I suggest that you please let me know during our next session.

Legal information.